Double Chin Treatment


Do you hate looking in the mirror or taking photos because of your double chin? Maybe you’ve tried contouring your face using makeup – using the bronzing and highlighting technique. But contouring can be ineffective and time-consuming, especially as we grow older and the chin loses firmness and elasticity. Actually, you’ve tried everything to eliminate your double chin: dieting, chin exercises (spoiler: this is a complete waste of time), or even just tilting your head downwards in your selfies, but you still feel frustrated because nothing is working. Now what?

We have the solution for double chin

Many of our female and male clients have come to us with woes about their double chin. The double chin – also known as submental fat – is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat is formed below your chin. A double chin can really upset the balance and harmony of your face and reduce your self-confidence. Worst of all, it can detract – or even mask – what is otherwise a natural and gorgeous face shape. We completely understand our clients’ frustrations!

A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t necessarily have to be overweight to have one. Double chins can also be caused by genetics, family history, or aging – which results in loose, sagging skin on the chin and sides of the face. Even thin people can have double chins, which can really disrupt their overall facial features.

Perhaps you wish your double chin could just disappear, without painful, invasive surgery.

While surgical techniques – including facial plastic surgery – to eliminate the double chin have existed forever, there are also new, emerging, non-surgical techniques that can be much more comfortable, with a much quicker downtime, and best of all – no scars!.


If you dream of literally blasting the chin fat away, Belkyra may be right for you. Belkyra is a cutting-edge cosmetic injectable treatment which non-surgically reduces fat under the chin, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jawline. It contains deoxycholic acid as the active ingredient, a bio-safe compound which destroys fat cells and break them apart. The destroyed fat cells are then passed through your body naturally. It is an incredibly safe, Health Canada-approved treatment with very minimal risk. Belykra is a perfect solution if you are looking for a safe, non-surgical way to eliminate your double chin.


It can take a few weeks post-treatment to observe results from Belkyra. Here are some of our recommendations to prolong results and even see results sooner:

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for three to five days post-treatment to prevent sweating
  • Avoid UV exposure (e.g., tanning beds, excess sun, etc.) for about a week following treatment
  • Avoid hot tubs or saunas, as the sweating could irritate your injection sites
  • Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol immediately after treatment
  • Keep your hands away from your face to avoid bacteria from irritating injection sites
  • Schedule any facial treatments (including laser, chemical peels, etc.) at least two weeks after treatment so that the area has time to heal

Book a complimentary consultation to tailor-make a plan for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for Belkyra?

You may be a candidate for Belkyra if you have a double chin and/or excess fat around the jawline. Contrary to popular belief, even thin individuals can have a double chin if their body genetically stores fat around the jawline. To determine if you are an ideal candidate, schedule an appointment with one of our skin care professionals at any of our Therapeutic Aesthetics locations. Belkyra would not be suitable for patients with severe liver or heart problems, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients who are interested in achieving the contouring results of Belkyra in areas other than the chin would benefit from a consult with our medical experts.

What can I expect when having Belkyra injections at Therapeutic Aesthetics?

Before you undergo your Belkyra injection treatment, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the target area, which will help you maintain your comfort throughout the procedure. Once the treatment area has been numbed, our medical injector will administer Belkyra for you. You will receive the Belkyra injections in a grid pattern beneath the chin. The entire procedure only takes about 15 minutes. For the most optimal results, most clients require two treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

What should I expect after having Belkyra injections?

After your Belkyra treatment, you can expect to have some swelling in the neck and chin area for up to 3-4 weeks – this is quite normal and is an indicator that Belkyra is doing it’s magic on your chin. This swelling is the result of the Belkyra bursting the fat cells. There is very minimal pain associated with this, and you can ease swelling and discomfort through the use of ice packs or through an over-the-counter pain relief medication. Visible fat reduction will be seen about eight weeks following the treatment, and these results can last a long time. You can prolong your results even further if you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to avoid weight gain.

Why aren’t my chin exercises, jade rollers, and tightening creams working?

False advertising! Chin exercises, facial rollers, and tightening skincare products can deliver temporary and superficial results by promoting blood circulation to your face. But none of them target the root cause of double-chinning, which is the storage of fatty tissue below the chin. Chin exercises, no matter how many sets you do, will unfortunately not burn fat in the isolated chin area. When it comes to stubborn chin fat, diet and exercise often offer limited results. A defined jawline and taut chin make for a flattering profile. Often, patients come into our clinic feeling self-conscious about excess fat or sagging skin in the chin area and ask if they need surgery to achieve their aesthetic goals. We’re here to tell you that Belkyra will help you achieve your goals without going under the knife.